Know what's around you at all times. This is especially important when it comes to sitting behind the driver's seat. Car jackings, robberies, reckless drivers, and traffic safety should be something you prepare for simply by increasing your awarness of surroundings.
First and foremost; have the essentials supplies necessary for survival by turning your car into a bugout vehicle. ⬅️ Download our guide.
🚗Mirrors on your car are #situationalawareness (SA) tools. Adjusting hem properly will aid in everyday travel and #bugout scenarios.
🔍The rear view mirror should be focused on the REAR, not the sides.
🔎The side mirrors shouldn't be showing the side of your car, they should be aimed to the area between where your rear view mirror vision ends and your peripheral vision begins. Tilt them so that you can just see the outline of your back door handle.
Check for blind spots by doing the following: While driving along a four-lane road in the right lane, note a vehicle in the left lane coming up to pass you from behind. Without moving your head, glance in the #rearviewmirror and follow it as it approaches your car in the left lane. Just before it disappears from your view in the rear-view mirror, glance to the left side mirror. There it is. Now follow that vehicle in the #sidemirror as it begins to pass you. Then, just before it disappears from the side mirror, you should see it with your peripheral vision. Notice that without even turning your head, you never had a blind-spot. Then try it with the right side mirror. Watch as you pass a vehicle travelling in the right lane go from your peripheral vision, to your right side mirror, to your rear-view mirror. Again, no blind-spot. If there is a #blindspot for even a fraction of a second, your side mirror adjustment needs some fine-tuning.
Constantly keep a look at all #mirrors as youe drive.
Always have an out. This means, don't find yourself in a situation where the left and right lanes are occupied. If they are, leave space in front of you. Getting boxed in means you'll have no escape if a #trafficjam occurs or a #riot crowd builds around you. Your car is a #bugoutvehicle but it is only as good as the #driver behind the wheel. Fine tune your tactics and awareness.
Remember to review our checklist for vehicle survival here.