Practical Prepping Blog

Power Outage Prepping

Power Outage Prepping

Here's the basic summary, store supplies and take necessary actions in-order-to meet electrical needs for extended outage periods.


When a suspected power outage occurs; check your breakers, nearby street lights, and neighborhood to determine if an isolated issue is impacting only your house or if the outage is out of your control. Contact utility provider, acquire as to cause and expected restoration time (sign up for alerts through your REP, TDSP, EDU, or TDU). Unplug sensitive electronics. 

Follow below courses of actions (COAs) and preparedness steps. As you prepare/ react to each time-framed category, all sup...

Securing & Concealing Defensive/Survival Implements on-body, in vehicle, etc.

Securing & Concealing Defensive/Survival Implements on-body, in vehicle, etc.

Securing and concealing your valuables, defensive tools, and preparedness gear will aid in ensuring they are there when you need them while not making you a target or victim of theft. This practice allows you to be ready for daily tasks, crisis situations, and life altering events. Here are some tips for storage on your person, in your vehicle, a...

Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) and the US.

Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) and the US.

Globally and locally, Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) is changing the modern warzone by broadening the prevalence of ongoing threats below the threshold of traditional armed conflict. This theater of operations is known as the gray zone. The U.S. is currently at war in this zone. Hybr...

Radio as a Contingency Communication for LAE / SHTF

Radio as a Contingency Communication for LAE / SHTF

Familiarize yourself with radio contingency communications IOT prepare for a life altering event (LAE). We'll review Ham, GMRS, MURS, FRS, NOAA, and tw...

Recognition of False Flag Events

Recognition of False Flag Events

False flag events are operations orchestrated by a government or organization intended to influence perceptions of target audiences by concealing or misrepresenting the attribution of the source actor or intended target. A False Flag is a direct action event accomplished through a series of supporting elements such as a propaganda campaign, insider activity, infiltrators within an organization/Gov entity, blackmailed proxy actors, and coincided occurrences. Situational Awareness of possible false flag activity is necessary to understand the current political landscape or 5th generation warfare efforts IOT to take the correct course of action or mindset change.

Food Readiness - Longterm storage and prepping

Food Readiness - Longterm storage and prepping

Cycle stored foods into your meals. Rotate in new shelf stable foods to replace what you've eaten. Spend an extra $5 every grocery trip to go towards sustainability (i.e. 2 cans of spam and a bag of rice). 1. Know the shel...

Prepping Courses, Training, Certifications, and Classes

Prepping Courses, Training, Certifications, and Classes

In order to be better prepared for a life altering event (LAE); training courses, practical exercises, and planning should be conducted. While this is not an exhaustive summary, these topical classes should provide an intermediary introduction to being ready for a worst case scenario.

Navigation without GPS - Contingency Travel and Egress Mapping and Routing

Navigation without GPS - Contingency Travel and Egress Mapping and Routing

Under certain circumstances, GPS may not be available or reliable, requiring individuals to navigate roads without it. In these situations, it is crucial to have the necessary skills (drills/practice/research) and tools (printed maps) to navigate successfully. 

Avoid Government Suspicion Online - Guide for the law abiding citizenship

Avoid Government Suspicion Online - Guide for the law abiding citizenship

State and federal agencies routinely monitor online accounts and activity to detect political dissidents. Their targets vary and the degree of surveillance varies dependent upon the party currently in power. Cognizance of what you post and reveal on social media and messaging apps should be practiced to avoid creating a profile that could be considered extremist or oppositional. The intent is not to aid criminals in avoidance of detection but instead to assist law abiding citizens who may be a target of politically motivated government overreach.

Collection of Intel, Alerts, and Advisories for Situational Awareness on News and Happenings

Collection of Intel, Alerts, and Advisories for Situational Awareness on News and Happenings

To avoid developing civil unrest rest, be aware of changes to laws governing firearms/self-defense, and maintain readiness to navigational challenges (road closures, crashes, etc); follow multiple mediums and establish contacts to ensure you're receiving real-time information on local events and developments.

Tourniquet Staging and Preparedness for Trauma

Tourniquet Staging and Preparedness for Trauma

Keep a tourniquet (TQ) easily accessible and always stage one on-body when carrying a firearm. Stage it for quick application. This means; attached it (ankle, hip, fanny pack, etc) ony your person in the same place each time your wear it so it increases "muscle memory" allowing you to grab it and deploy with little complex thought (because when a TQ is needed there will already be much to process).

Building an Offgrid Setup - Just the Basics

Building an Offgrid Setup - Just the Basics

Building an location that is off the grid but functional requires minimal to complex preparation depending upon the intent of the location. It could be built as a weekend camping getaway or a self-sufficient homestead. Vary your plan based on your needs. Below are some considerations with advised options.