Practical Prepping Blog

Fifth Generation Warfare - How we have already entered an ambiguous WWIII

Fifth Generation Warfare - How we have already entered an ambiguous WWIII

5GW, or Fifth Generation Warfare, is the emerging threat to global stability. It's a tactic already employed by US adversaries that has placed us into a 3rd World War. Let's discuss prior types of warfare fir...

When to apply Grayman Practices.

When to apply Grayman Practices.

The practice of being gray can be utilized at any time but its application is more relevant in times of uncertainty. We can use gray tactics when going...

8 Prepping Tips for an Economic Collapse following a Pandemic and Civil Unrest driven SHTF.

8 Prepping Tips for an Economic Collapse following a Pandemic and Civil Unrest driven SHTF.

8 actionable tips to prepare for an #economiccollapse caused #civilunrest and a government inspired shutdown due to an non-proportionate #pandemic response. This advice is how to prep for such an event. I'm not hear to proclaim an impending collapse but due to recent events it's only wise to see the writing on he wall and response accordingly. #Prepping never hurts.⁣ The first tip is...