Practical Prepping Blog
Freezer & Fridge Cooler install and other projects at the Cabin.
Here's what we did this week;
1. @dometic cooling box installed, wired to @inergy_technologies Kodiak Generator powered by @bosswattsolar. This fr...
The Land - The headache of setting up a solar powered cabin.
A final discussion on how we'll wire our cabin to harness solar energy to power our cabin, water pump, TV, lighting, and more. A true offgrid arrangement with the amenities from home. BUT IT WANT BE EASY BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ELECTRICIANS!
The Land - Powering an Offgrid Base Camp with Lithium and Solar
The Land, our bugout base camp, will have power needs such as communications via HAM Radio, water collection via 2GPM water pump from well, lighting and security via motion LEDs and trail cameras... We'll also need to power ammenities like a freezer, AC unit, TV, Xbox, 12v ceiling fan, phones, etc. Yea, we are going to have the comforts from home, offgrid. But how do we accomplish this?
The Land - How to get water Offgrid
So as we plan to build an #offgrid #bugout location we've been identify various priorities to be addressed. Water is a big one! There is a small ri...