Practical Prepping Blog

Deter Looting & Marauding with the Appearance of an Abandoned House

Deter Looting & Marauding with the Appearance of an Abandoned House

Altering the appearance of your house to appear abandoned may deter looters or marauders following a life altering event (LAE) or SHTF emergence. Take steps to make your house look empty, rundown, uninhabited, and hardened. An abandoned house ty...

Food Readiness - Longterm storage and prepping

Food Readiness - Longterm storage and prepping

Cycle stored foods into your meals. Rotate in new shelf stable foods to replace what you've eaten. Spend an extra $5 every grocery trip to go towards sustainability (i.e. 2 cans of spam and a bag of rice). 1. Know the shel...

Bugging Out via Vehicle - A Bugout Vehicle Guide

Bugging Out via Vehicle - A Bugout Vehicle Guide

Assess the need to bugout or shelter-in-place. Make a coordinated plan that includes incorporation of other members of your team, designation of bugout locations & rally points, and multiple safe routes.
Take precautions and conduct preventive steps to ensure your vehicle is always ready. Understand the importance of vehicular defense/security and evasive driving. Blend in and maintain a low-profile appearance.
Practicing divergent tactics and improvising will provide an advantage in the event of an LAE.
Select a BOV that is appropriate for your needs using our Categorical Setup analysis. Loadout the BOV with the necessary equipment and supplies following the Vehicle Emergency Checklist.

Tactical Neighborhood Watch - Security and Self-sufficiency following a Life Altering Event (SHTF)

Tactical Neighborhood Watch - Security and Self-sufficiency following a Life Altering Event  (SHTF)

A Tactical Neighborhood Team (TNT) is an inner-circle of trusted neighbors who coordinate together to quickly respond to community threats and provide ongoing defensive measures following a LAE (widespread civil unrest, depleted LE, foreign invasion, societal collapse, etc).
Recruit potential members by foreign a baseline through first developing relationships through NWP/NERT (or friendly over the fence conversations). Approach the topic wi...

Peephole Security Considerations - Answering the door to a stranger.

Peephole Security Considerations - Answering the door to a stranger.

Door #peepholes are a great way to check who's there without unlocking your door and exposing yourself but.... take the following into consideration first. 1. When you approach your front door the stranger on the other side can see a shadow as you...

SHTF Window Security Shutters and Homestead Defense

SHTF Window Security Shutters and Homestead Defense

Consider "working" window shutters. They can still look decorative but actually serve a purpose by protecting from storms and intruders alike. This is just one aspect of hardening your homestead as it relates to security and self defense. Let's take a lo...

5 Guns every Prepper should own.

5 Guns every Prepper should own.

Your gun should be one in which you're comfortable and proficient. The threat and scenario you're planning for may dictate the weapon system you choose. Carry a primary and secondary weapon on your person and vehicle. Your handgun should be concealed and your rifle should be in your vehicle if needed. A shotgun...

8 Prepping Tips for an Economic Collapse following a Pandemic and Civil Unrest driven SHTF.

8 Prepping Tips for an Economic Collapse following a Pandemic and Civil Unrest driven SHTF.

8 actionable tips to prepare for an #economiccollapse caused #civilunrest and a government inspired shutdown due to an non-proportionate #pandemic response. This advice is how to prep for such an event. I'm not hear to proclaim an impending collapse but due to recent events it's only wise to see the writing on he wall and response accordingly. #Prepping never hurts.⁣ The first tip is...

911 Blackout - Initial response when those 3 numbers don't work.

911 Blackout - Initial response when those 3 numbers don't work.

Early this year all #911services were down for almost 6 hours in the entire state of Michigan. This occurs more frequently than you would think. Us...

Smartphones for Survival Scenarios and Covert Operations

Smartphones for Survival Scenarios and Covert Operations

A phone is a powerful tool and most folks only think of them as helpful if you have cellular coverage or WiFi but in reality, 90% of it's capabilities can work without internet or data. I wanted to highlight an excerpt from our Smartphone for SHTF Prepping guide and discuss some of the survival themed uses. However; first I wanted to share this step by step method for converting any phone (or a new phone) into a burner phone. You know, an untraceable means of communications. This could be used by those in fear of a domestic retaliation from an ex-spouse, someone in Witness Protection, Agents in high risk investigations with Criminal Informants, or for the Grayman in all of us. Let's Dive in...

5 Urban Navigation Tips for Offgrid SHTF Scenarios

5 Urban Navigation Tips for Offgrid SHTF Scenarios

These tips can help during SHTF, GPS/phone failure, blackouts while travelling, etc. Before I go further, pro-tip: always carry a physical map in your #bugoutbag or #bugoutvehicle. ⁣The first tip I suggest is understanding how the DOT and Streets Department labels and grids the roads as it...

Scavenging vs Looting when SHTF

Scavenging vs Looting when SHTF

When SHTF you'll need to resupply. We don't recommend looting or marauding but scavenging may be an ethically and efficent alternative. Now here's ...